innoLAE 2017 Industry Day launches eMergent


90 delegates from 65 organizations attended the first ever innoLAE Industry Day on 30 January 2017 which was organized by the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large-Area Electronics, the Centre for Process Innovation and the Knowledge Transfer Network.

The industry day launched eMergent, the new community for the UK printed, flexible and large-area electronics industry. The vision for eMergent is to accelerate the growth of the UK electronics industry by bringing together companies that are pioneering the development of new ways to make and apply electronics. eMergent can:

  • Provide a voice for UK companies operating in this sector, many of whom are SMEs that would benefit from a collective approach.

  • Represent and promote our sector in communications with key stakeholders: government and other public and industrial organizations.

  • Provide a mechanism to support companies seeking to fill supply chain gaps using the unique experience of its sponsoring members (CPI, CIMLAE and the KTN).

  • Facilitate access to funding and investment.

The event featured a panel discussion on end-user needs for printed and large-area electronics with

  • Ash Tomar, Jaguar Land Rover

  • Tim Embley, Costain

  • Ashley George, GlaxoSmithKline

  • Syed Ahmed, SAVORTEX

followed by a presentation on future funding opportunities by Myrddin Jones of Innovate UK, 29 quick fire company pitches in 40 minutes, and finally a networking drinks reception.

This business networking event brought together the UK’s leaders in research, technology innovation and manufacturing of printed, flexible and large-area electronics. The breakdown of the organizations in attendance is depicted below. Delegate feedback on the event was very positive with over 95% agreeing that their attendance was worthwhile and that the event had met their expectations.
