Previous Poster Winners




Alexandros Paliagkas
Nanotechnology Lab - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Development of large area, flexible, fully printed piezoelectric sensors for heart rate monitoring




Minghao Zhao
University of Manchester
Inkjet-printed sensors based on 2-dimensional ReS2




Dr Emma Spooner
University of Manchester
Air-Knife Assisted Spray Coating of Organic Solar Cells



Joint WinnerS:

Woojo Kim
Three-Dimensional, Flexible, and Printed Complementary Organic TFTs-based Static Random-Access Memory

Dr Jack McGhee
University of Manchester
Seebeck Coefficient of Printed Graphene-based Films




Eva Bestelink
University of Surrey
Multimodal thin-film transistors with constant transconductance for ultra-compact analog circuits

Eva Bestelink.jpeg


Joint WinnerS:

João Luis
Durham University
Tuning the electronic properties of metal oxides by low temperature annealing

Lokeshwari Mohan
Department of Materials and Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London
Large-scale deposition of copper (I) thiocyanate hole transport material for use in perovskite solar cells


Joint WinnerS:

Donald Lupo
Tampere University of Technology
Flexible temperature logger powered by solar cell and supercapacitor

Achala Satharasinghe
Advanced Textiles Research Group, School of Art and Design, Nottingham Trent University
Solar energy harvesting fabric for wearable, mobile, and off-grid applications

Runners Up:

Emanuel Carlos
CENIMAT/i3N Departamento de Ciência dos Materiais, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT)
Ultrafast photonic curing of solution-based aluminium oxide for thin film transistors

Suresh Kumar Garlapati
OMIC, School of Chemistry, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Sciences, University of Manchester
High performance, solution processed organic field-effect transistors to detect volatile organic compounds



Ivan Dimov
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
Mechanically compliant devices for long-term peripheral neural interfaces


Second Place:

Yeonsik Choi
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
Advanced printing technique for polymer nanocomposites

Third Place:

Lana Lee
Department of Materials Science, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge
Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of p-type NiOx grown at 350oC for perovskite solar cells



Guangbin Dou
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London
Interconnection Technologies for Integration of Active Devices with Printed Plastic Electronics

Dimitra G. Georgiadou
Physics Department, Imperial College London
Unveiling the potential of adhesion lithography towards development of plastic nanoelectronics

Runners Up:

Nilushi Wijeyasinghe
Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London
Copper(I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) and its derivatives as hole-transport layer materials for large-area opto/electronics

Gwenhivir Wyatt-Moon
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cambridge
Solution-Processed Co-planar Nano-Scale Photodetectors by Adhesion Lithography



D M Taylor, C P Watson, B A Brown, J Carter and J Morgan
School of Electronic Engineering, Bangor University & SmartKem Ltd
Organic ring oscillators with sub-200 ns gate delay from a p-type semiconducting blend



Joint Winners:

Jose Ávila-Niño
School of Electronic Engineering, Bangor University
Vacuum-evaporated Organic Static Random Access Memory

Dr Sheida Faraji
School of Chemistry, University of Manchester
Novel, high-capacitance nano composite dielectrics for printed electronics
