Short Course - Thin-Film Transistors for Emerging Applications Beyond Silicon

Tuesday 18 February 2025

Cripps Court Conference Centre, Magdalene College, Cambridge, UK


This course will discuss the fundamentals of oxide and organic thin-film transistors and their operation in the subthreshold regime for low power applications. Oxide and organic semiconductors have a relatively large bandgap, therefore rendering ultra-low electrical off-state current and good optical transparency. The remarkable features of ultra-low off-state currents facilitate deep subthreshold operation, while optical transparency opens up possibilities for multi-modal sensing/modulation in bioelectronics. Subthreshold thin-film transistors have advantages of low power and high gain, which are important for bioelectronic applications, for example real-time electrophysiologic recording. In addition, this course will introduce the novel application of high-channel-count active-matrix neurostimulation, showcasing the expanding role of thin-film transistors beyond traditional applications in display and biosensing.


Tuesday 18 February 2025

08:30 – 09:00 Registration

09:00 Course begins

Oxide technologies

  • Basic material properties

  • Design tool for circuits

Organic electronics

  • Printed organic transistors

  • Stretchable organic transistors

  • Transparent organic transistors

Low-power bioelectronic applications

  • Subthreshold operation

  • Low-power high-gain amplifiers

High-channel-count neurostimulation

  • Basics of neurostimulation

  • Active-matrix architecture

12:30 Course ends


Dr Chen Jiang, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, China

Dr Chen Jiang is currently an associate professor, with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. He received a BS degree in engineering from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and a PhD in Engineering from University of Cambridge, UK. From 2018 to 2021, he was supported by the Wellcome Trust as a Junior Interdisciplinary Fellow at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, UK. His research focuses on novel electronic device architectures, large-area flexible transparent electronics, low-power circuits, and their applications to bioelectronics. Dr Jiang was a recipient of the IEEE Electron Devices Society PhD Student Fellowship 2018, and Intel China Academic Excellence Scholarship 2022.